The Skreen:
This is our access statement… please check it carefully if you need details of our accommodation and policies.
Parking is provided by the large car parking area situated at the front of the property giving access to The Skreen main entrance which is accessed between two
stone pillars which are approximately 1.4m apart. The ground for parking is laid to cover with small granite stone shingles
The front door is accessed by 2 steps 120mm high x 500mm deep x 1.3m wide, leading into the front porch which is 3.2m long x 2.5m wide with a step by the inner lobby doors
which is 120mm high x 1.2m wide
Main entrance, reception & hallway
The reception/hallway is approx 5m long x 2.2m in width, we also have an additional area with a step up by the main staircase which is 200mm high x 1.2m deep and 2.2m wide
There is a 900mm doorway leading into the Library breakfast room from the reception area with another step down of 180mm leading onto the main dining room oak timber floor.
We do offer to help with luggage to be taken to the bedrooms.
Guests are asked to book in between 15.00hr and 19.30hr, unless by prior arrangement and departure time is by 10.30am.
There are outside lights over the parking area, the hall is well lit and guests have their own keys (via a key lock box situated in the front porch) to come and go
as they please.
Public areas – hall, stairs, landing, corridors etc
The stairs are made up of a return flight of 14 steps 200mm high x 300mm deep x 1.0m wide (and incorporating a half landing) on the top and right hand side there is a strong wooden banister.
At the top of the stairs are all four bedrooms, with names on the doors, which are accessed from this landing.
There are lights on the landings which remains on all night. There are also fire alarm points and extinguishers on the landings and in the hallways.
Public areas – Front porch, ground floor hall, library dining room and all hallways and corridors.
As you enter The Skreen situated on your right is a door 900mm wide which opens onto the large breakfast room. There are four large tables available for breakfast.
We have digital wifi enabled smart TV’s, these are mounted on the walls and have remote controls.
All bedrooms are carpeted with two armchairs in each room.
The doors on entrance to all bedrooms are 800mm wide approx.
The four en-suite rooms comprise of two king and two double.
There are tea and coffee making facilities in each room by means of a cordless kettle, all kettles have visible water gauges for you to see when full.
There is good contrast between furniture, furnishing and wall finishes.
There are also tables on both sides of the bed with lamps as well as main ceiling lighting
Bathroom, shower-room & WC
Two en suites contain a bath along with walk in shower, wc and vanity units
Orange Sycamore Room 1 – the en-suite door is 760mm wide and has a 60mm step into the shower tray which measures 1600mm long x 800mm wide.
The ensuite is split level with 3 steps 150mm high x x240mm deep x 740mm wide leading to the wc and vanity unit.
Blue Ash Room 2 – a formed arch is 800mm wide and has a 100mm step in to the ensuite and a shower tray which measures 1800mm x 900mm wide
Green Oak Room 3 – the en-suite door is 780mm wide and has a 110mm step into the ensuite and a shower tray which measures 1600mm x 800mm wide
Silver Birch Room 4 – the en-suite door is 800mm wide and has a 45mm step in to the shower tray which measures 1600 x 800mm wide
The en-suites all have LVT vinyl flooring and bath mats and towels are provided.
Fire escapes
Along with the main stairwell we have two further staircases, one located halfway along the main corridor and the other located at the end of the main landing.
The central staircase comprises of 13no steps which are 200mm high x 250mm deep x 800mm wide with an external door leading into the rear graveled courtyard.
The stairwell at the end of the building is a return staircase with a half landing and comprises of 14no steps 200mm high x 250 deep x 600mm wide withan external
door leading to the rear of the house. This is a narrow path, turn left will lead to the rear courtyard and turning right will lead to the fornt car park
Additional information
There is no smoking inside the house.
No dogs (except service dogs) are allowed in the house.
Due to insurance we are unable to accommodate children under 16, sorry for any inconvenience.
Emergencies / fire
If there is an emergency in the day, or night, we have two rooms downstairs and one upstairs, the doors are marked ‘private’, all you have to do is knock on them and someone will come to assist.
In the case of a fire we have an assembly point which is by the entrance to the car park, at the front of the house.
Contact details:
The Skreen, Llandeilo Graban, Erwood, Powys. LD2 3SJ
Mobile: Julie 07534 999824 – David 07518 696256
Grid reference:52 05′ 04″ N x 3 19′ 12″ W
Emergency numbers
Local Doctors:Haygarth Surgery 01497 822100
Local Dentist:Hay-on-Wye dental 01497 820421